Clipbook Libraries
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You can easily edit or create your own Clipbook libraries directly in the editor. Choose Open Library from the Tools | Clipbook menu to edit an existing library, or New Library if you want to create a new one. The best way to learn how to create your own libraries is to look at those packaged with the NoteTab program.

NoteTab Libraries

You will find a brief description of all the libraries distributed with NoteTab below. Just click on the desired library button in the bar at the bottom of the NoteTab window to open it in the Clipbook tool. You may add your own Clips to these libraries, delete items, and modify them as much as you wish. You can also use Explorer to delete libraries you may not find useful. Their file extension is .clb and they are normally stored in the Libraries subdirectory.

1. AutoCorrect
This is an "auto-replace" library. When it is opened in the Clipbook window (this window may be hidden), Auto-replace mode is automatically enabled. It provides a feature similar to AutoCorrect available in WinWord and other word processors. As you edit your document, NoteTab checks the word preceding the cursor whenever you press an activation key:
TAB SPACE RETURN ! " , . : ; = > ? ] }

If this word matches a Clip name in the list (case insensitive), it is automatically replaced according to the Clip instructions.

2. CaptureLinks
This library demonstrates how text can be captured from the Windows Clipboard and used in a document. It optionally uses spoken messages to indicate what it is doing in the background. NoteTab will build a Web page for you in the background as you copy link information to the Clipboard.

3. Euro
Convert between any currency using the Euro as reference. All currencies that are part of the 1999 monetary union are listed, as well as a few other major currencies.

4. FormatEmail
This library will format an e-mail message by quoting the text for reply. When activated, it will capture all text sent to the Windows Clipboard. The way the Clip has been designed, you should first copy the name of the person who sent you the e-mail, then copy the part of the message you want to reply to. The formatted reply text is then stored in the Windows Clipboard ready to be pasted into a new e-mail message.

5. FTP
Use this library to download and edit files from remote servers. The commands use the Windows FTP.exe program that is distributed with Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, and XP.

This is the perfect tool to help you create Web pages. All the important tags are readily available from the Clipbook list. Tags are wrapped around selected text. Clip wizards help you complete some of the more complex tags and HTML structural elements.

Tip: The "Bold" and the "Italic" Clips can be configured to either insert the typical <B> and <I> tags respectively, or the logical-style tags <STRONG> and <EM>. To toggle the style used, just hold down the Ctrl key when you click on either Clip. The last-used style is remembered even when you restart NoteTab.

7. HTML-ar
If you do not like using the mouse, this "auto-replace" library will help you save a lot of time by completing tags for you as you type. For example, if you type the HTML tag "<b>" in your document, NoteTab will automatically complete it with the closing tag placed after the cursor: "<B>¦</B>".

8. PasteClips
To see how this library works, open it in the Clipbook and double-click on the "Start" Clip to activate the capture mode. Then, bring another application forward (e-mail, IRC, etc.). Next, type one of the Clip names listed in this library (for example "ys") in your application, select it and copy it to the Clipboard. If all works correctly, the selected text should be replaced by the content of the Clip you chose ("Yours sincerely" if you used the example). Of course, you can add your own shortcut text to the library (such as passwords, boilerplate text, etc.) and use them in other applications while NoteTab is working in the background.

9. RemindMe
This library shows how you can use the timer Clip event to create a scheduler. The timer event executes the "Remind Me" Clip every 30 seconds. The script in that Clip then checks the system clock, and if one of the tested time ranges is matched, it jumps to the specified label and displays an appropriate message.

10. SampleCode
This library contains various items that illustrate how certain Clip commands and functions can be used. Most of these Clips do not really provide useful functions, but they can help you understand how to create your own Clips. The best way to learn is to take a look at the Clip code and compare it with what happens when you activate it.

11. Smilies
A long list of different types of smilies you can use in your text to express your mood.

12. TopStyle
This library requires Bradsoft's TopStyle CSS editor, version 1.51 and above -- a program for editing Cascading Style Sheets. You can learn more about this useful program and download the latest free version by visiting the following Web page:  
The Clips in this library make it easy to edit style sheets.

13. Utilities
As the name suggests, this library contains all kinds of useful utilities. You'll find Clips to manage your Clipbook libraries (install or remove them), insert popular Internet acronyms in your text, underline titles, compare two files, create Web pages based on images in a directory, strip tags from all open HTML files, convert all open text files to Web pages, convert between units, calculate mortgage rates, encrypt data, etc.